It's Cool To Sail With Skyline
Hey Everyone,
Summer this year is a scorcher, isn’t it? No it? Sometimes I can’t help but wonder at how lucky I am. Although some of you have been forced to desperately seek the shade and try to escape the sun, I couldn't say I know how you feel - how could I? I've been keeping it cool, right here at Skyline!
But now I think the time has come for me to stop keeping the luxury all to myself and share it with you, my fellow partygoers. What do you think? Wouldn’t you rather be hanging out on an awesome dinner cruise instead of hiding out in the freezer section of the nearest grocery store? Our fully enclosed, air conditioned yacht is the coolest on the water, on every deck and in every way!
So show your family and friends that you CAN beat the heat - invite them on our upcoming public cruises, sailing weekdays and weekends in July and August. You could even take the Skyline Princess all to yourself for your next b-day (now who’s hogging the boat!). It’s your turn to shed your summer woes with great food, refreshing drinks, and great music and join us here at Skyline – where summer simply couldn’t get any cooler.