Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Dreamers on Vacation

I guess I’m what you would call a dreamer. Every day I wonder what it would be like to live in my own little world, where I’d make all the decisions, tell everyone else how to make my dreams come true, and live a life of undeniable luxury. I mean, who doesn’t need a little escape every now and then from the sad reality of things? From the fact that work is hard, school is boring, parents are crazy, just existing leaves you broke and no one realizes that you’re just too cute for all this trouble? What if there was a way to leave it all behind- all of those pressing issues of your life- for just one day?

Well, since I’m pretty much the expert at fun and exciting things that you can do to forget all about everything else, I have a solution for you: GO ON A CRUISE! That’s right! Have a party! Turn up the volume and add some Skyline spice to your life! Celebrate the fact that you can make your own little world right here, right now, and invite all your friends along for the ride. Who’s to say that we can’t have what we always imagined would be the best birthday, the most beautiful wedding, or the coolest night out? Get those dreams out of your head and into the real world, because now we’re making it possible!

And just because it’s going to get cold doesn’t mean you have to put the good life on hold! The year isn’t over yet, folks! We at the Skyline Princess are proud to announce that we still have cruises for the rest of the year, and that plenty of them are ON SALE. Who wouldn’t want to spend a day on a discounted luxury yacht cruise with all the trimmings? So get to it slackers – I mean, dreamers – scoot over to the Skyline Princess and let’s have fun together in real life!


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