Lazy Days Gone By...
It's hard to believe how quickly the time has gone by here at Skyline!
I can remember it just like it was yesterday - all of those lazy summer days, when all of you brought us your hordes of school-weary children, your enormous families from out of town in need of detailed directions, your extravagant decorations and careful specifications ("uh...can I have the open bar instead?"),and even your last-minute additional friend(s) the day before your cruise (wait that was yesterday!). Ah, the good old days. I don't know about you, but I'm going to miss the hustle and bustle!
Then again...maybe I'm giving up too early. I mean, there's still time for you guys to throw MORE crazy parties, right??!! Of course there is! There are still quite a few public cruises going out this month, and there are even more going out for the rest of the year! Hey, why stop at summer when we heat up the harbor all winter? If you want to party it up (like you always do!), you know where to go. Come along for a ride on the Skyline Princess, where every day is a lazy day of fun!!
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